Website Design & Dev.

3 Reasons Your Website is Your Most Important Communications Asset

For many, the website is still the weakest link in the communications chain. Here's why your website is the most important asset in your arsenal.


Let’s cut through the fluff and get right down to business—your website is your most important communications asset and you should be using it accordingly.

In this digital age, your website is a main line of communication with your ideal audience, whether first line or follow-up line. That is why it’s important to not just have a fully functioning website, but a website that shares your story in a compelling way.

Here are three reasons your website is your most important communications asset.

1.) It’s a 24/7 Communicator

Back in the old days, an organization’s line of communications were limited.

They were unable to talk to their clients on a 24/7 basis, unless they had a 24/7 hotline. Information wasn’t readily available for those who wanted to make an informed decision. Phones, snail mail, advertisements, word of mouth and walk-ins were just about the only options for communication until the internet became prevalent.

If you wanted to know more information, you needed to wait until businesses hours. Now, millions of people have access to the internet through the use of their phones, computers and tablets.

If you are trying to bridge the gap between your organization and potential clients, then you need to have a solid website—one that thoughtfully influences the actions of visitors.

Each user should be able to leave your website with ample knowledge of who you are, what it is that you do and how you can benefit them. It’s an experience with your company—not just a source for information. You want the interaction to be a positive one from what it says to how it looks.

You need to ask yourself, “Did they learn anything when they came here?” If the answer is a potential “no,” it’s time to think about what you could be doing better. It’s also time to evaluate what steps are needed in order to give your audience a better experience when interacting with your website.

Gut Check: How’s Your 24/7 Communicator Performing?

Are you comfortable with the experience your website is delivering when you’re team has gone home for the day? For when you’re sipping on margaritas on the weekend? Is your 24/7 communicator doing you justice 24/7?

2.) First Place for Follow-Up Info

You have business cards, running advertisements, past clients who are willing to give referrals and countless other means of connecting pople with your brand.

When potential clients need to follow up for more information, they are going to visit your website.It’s the first truly interactive face of your organization that they will encounter.

Think about in your own life:

  • You spot an interesting billboard while driving down the highway. Your first move? To check out the website.
  • A friend mentions a brand that you’d like to explore while you’re out for drinks. You check out the website on your phone.
  • Someone hands you their business card. You want to learn more and pull up the website.

When visitors come to your website, are they having a positive experience? If not, you may have just wasted time and money on marketing efforts that are only useful up until the point of interaction with your website.

You have the opportunity to present yourself in a positive way that engages your audience and maintains their interest. More than that, you have the opportunity to seal the deal with your website.

Gut Check: Are You Confident in Your Follow-Up?

Is your website sealing the deal for that billboard? Meeting? Handout? Campaign?

If you find yourself cringing at the thought of people venturing to your website, it’s time for a change.

3.) It’s Your Fortress in the Digital World

We’re no longer doing digital in a traditional world. We’re doing digital in a digital world. We’ve seen marketing communication efforts shift to digital steadily over the past several years.

Now, when someone wants to look up a service provider, they Google it. A website is central to digital success. It’s a next-step location for social media profiles. It’s power and overall health also determines whether or not you rank highly for keyword phrases your prospects are actually searching for.

You have the power to put your best foot forward. Carefully crafting your website is an essential part of maintaining a well-rounded brand and connecting with potential clients. For every person that is turned away by a poorly designed website, is a chunk of money that is going with them.

Gut Check: Is Your Website a Fortress or a Tent?

Is your website defending your place in the digital world? If not, it’s time for a change.

Focus on Your Website

A website is one of your best resources. It gives you a chance to stand out and make a difference. Do you want to fall by the wayside because of a poorly designed website?

Don’t waste your time and money on something that should be done right the first time.

How is your website doing? Are you embarrassed to send prospects there? We can help.


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