Best in Grass

  • Branding
  • Packaging
  • Product Photography
  • Web Design & Dev
  • Strategy


Best in Grass comes to you from former High Times competition executives and a confluence of operations, branding, and cannabis veterans.

They looked to us to help them differentiate and stand out with a brand new identity.

Avoiding the typical weed iconography, we leveraged a strongly grounded color palette and slow-burn homage to the industry by anchoring the primary mark in the teeth of a weed grinder.

Hero photo and awards photos courtesy of Best in Grass.

Wear it With Pride

Merch became an immediate need for employee branding, giveaways, and specialized smell-proof, collector’s bag kits.

All Together Now

Best in Grass’ mission is to bring consumers the best in Canna through Judge Kits.

Collector’s Kits are housed in backpacks, while the rest are in mylar bags.


Can You Take Me Higher

At the end of each competition, the organization celebrates the winners in a truly dope ceremony.

Make It Digital

Finally, we house the entire experience in a digital experience.

Our hands also reached into the front-end styling of their Judge app.

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