Agency News

Hobbs Brewing Co. is Teaming Up with Top Hat for New Packaging

January 27, 2020 — Top Hat expands its beer footprint further into the northeast with a new partnership with West Ossipee-based Hobbs Tavern & Brewing Company.

Hobbs launched in 2014 as a rustic brewpub nestled en route to the White Mountains. It wasn’t before long they started canning and distributing.

In March of 2019, the brewery expanded distribution and production into a hot (if you’ll pardon the pun) new market — Belize.

Now the brewery is setting its sights on upping production with a brand new brew house, and with that they’ve hired Top Hat for a design refresh.

Top Hat will be developing a brand strategy and rolling that into new packaging, tap handles, and a comprehensive website redesign.

“With several Great American Beer Fest wins, Hobbs is an accomplished brewery with a well-respected product,” says Ben Butler, Top Hat Founder and Certified Cicerone®.“We’re thrilled they’ve entrusted us to align the quality of their package with the quality of their beer.”

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More on Top Hat

Top Hat is an award-winning design and marketing communications agency in Pittsburgh.

Top Hat is widely known for its Silver-Anvil-winning “Will Work for Beer” campaign, as well as its nationally acclaimed work for breweries in Alaska, Seattle, Boston, Pittsburgh, and North Carolina including Iron City Beer, Reuben’s Brews, and Lord Hobo Brewing Company.

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