Agency News

Secrets of Power Pitching Course Scores Hermes Creative Award

The Secrets of Power Pitching—an e-learning course created by Ben Butler and Jason Mollica—reels in a Hermes Creative Gold Award.

Earlier this year, Jason Mollica—president of JRM Comm—and I launched the Secrets of Power Pitching e-learning course. Several months after kicking this off, we are truly honored to announce that our efforts have been recognized with a Hermes Creative Gold Award.

Hermes Creative Awards—by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP)—is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional materials and programs, and emerging technologies.

Our particular award category is in the e-learning space for the design, development and content of The Secrets of Power Pitching.

“When Ben and I set out to develop The Secrets of Power Pitching, we wanted to present the information in a way that would be different than other webinars or courses,” said Jason Mollica, president of JRM Comm and co-developer. “By giving actionable steps to improve your pitching and media relationships, we aren’t guaranteeing placement, but we are promising you will improve your pitching for future success. The Hermes Award affirms our commitment to educating new and current professionals, and shows the innovation possible when public relations professionals collaborate.”

All About The Secrets of Power Pitching

If you’re unfamiliar with The Secrets of Power Pitching e-learning course, here’s the SparkNotes:

  • Both Jason and I have strong backgrounds in public relations and media pitching.
  • We noticed that there aren’t really any in-depth resources out there giving the down and dirty on media pitching. I’m not talking about those “5 Ways to Woo a Reporter” types of posts—I mean a really deep dive into an actual repeatable process for approaching media relations.
  • We decided to put our noggins together to create The Secrets of Power Pitching—a 21-lesson video course that outlines a philosophy and real process for media pitching. As you could probably tell from the name, it contains our secret methods and tricks for being successful.
  • One of our key goals was to build something optimized for today’s day and age. We designed and developed a state-of-the-art e-learning platform. Every user has a unique login and the ability to track their progress as they go through the course.

Concluding Thoughts

Just two concluding thoughts from my own personal soapbox.

One, I think it’s amazing what’s possible in today’s day and age. Jason and I worked on this entire project from start to finish remotely. Location is no longer an obstacle to collaboration.

Two, I think Jason summed it up perfectly up above. There’s a lot of innovation possible when public relations professionals team up.

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