Agency News

Top Hat Named a Top Pittsburgh Branding Agency by the Agency List

Top Hat IMC joins the carefully curated list of the most reputable design and marketing agencies in Pittsburgh developed by The Agency List.


Our office fairy godfather Cary Grant has been looking out for us, reeling in another big win.

OK … You caught me. Yes—I was just looking for an excuse to showcase that part of our office in a blog post somehow.

We’ve Been Named a Top Pittsburgh Branding Agency

In all seriousness, the exciting news is that The Agency List—a creative resource operated by SEMCentric Online Marketing to help businesses, students and industry professionals find the top creative agencies in every major market across the country—placed us on the list of Top Branding Agencies in Pittsburgh.

We’ve spent all coffee-influenced waking hours developing a world-class, proven process for leading organizations of all types successfully through the branding journey from start to finish and everywhere in between. We’ve utilized, tweaked and proven this process over and over again for the outrageous success for our clients.

It’s something we take great pride in and it’s always a “I’ll stand up on the couch and cheer” kind of moment when someone recognizes your dedication and the work you’re doing.

Some More Information About The Agency List

Their Mission

The Agency List is dedicated to providing the most reputable agencies per discipline category in a simple, comprehensive spot.

Their process for inclusion isn’t biased by advertising dollars or what they describe as a “bias towards the biggest names.” Their focus is on finding and listing the best so that the end-user, who is doing research for a service provider, has a resource for their search.

Agency List Inclusion

Unlike typical directories or lists, The Agency List adds agencies per category through a rigorous review process. The agencies they add to this list are manually researched and hand-picked by the experienced team behind the list, which is a group of marketers with 15-plus years of experience.


New project? Question? Compliment? Let’s chat. New project? Question? Compliment? Let’s chat.